We have an update for you on the news from Mauritania.

The four leaders were taken before the judge early this morning (midnight our time) but all of the paperwork needed for the case was not available. So the judge is holding them until another trial can be scheduled.

In the meantime…

Yesterday, six more converted believers (Muslim background believers) were arrested. They are being asked (commanded) to be witnesses against the original four.

Here’s the background on this story:
A missionary pastor from Germany hosted a Christian teaching conference at a hotel in Mauritania. When the conference was over and the pastor left to go back home, the authorities raided the hotel and arrested those who had been present. They are all being held on charges for leaving Islam.

Please continue to pray for this situation. Pray for wisdom for these Christians, for their families and for the authorities involved to show mercy. Pray that they will stand firm in their faith and that others will be led to Jesus as a result.